COLLOQUIUM – Graduate Program in Chemistry of PSL

ENS 24 rue Lhomond, Paris

Operando modeling of realistic functional nanoporous materials for sustainable chemistry, nanosensing and clean energy Veronique Van Speybroeck, Center for Molecular Modeling, Ghent University, Technologiepark 46, 9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium Where : ENS, Amphithéâtre Jaurès   Nanoporous materials having pores with dimensions less than 100 nm, are omnipresent in many application fields such as catalysis, separation, energy storage, etc.…

Village de la Chimie 2023

Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de Paris 30 avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 Paris, France

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Cari Dutcher, University of Minnesota Where : ESPCI Paris, amphi Charpak Soft Interfaces with Microfluidics: Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams Cari Dutcher, University of Minnesota Soft interface-rich multiphase systems such as foams, emulsions, and aerosols are all around us.  To characterize the multiphase system dynamics and stability, often information about the thermodynamic and material properties of the interfaces…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

Amphi Moissan

Seminar of Prof. Kevin Lam (University of Greenwich, UK), entitled : "Your Chemistry has got Potential: Highly reactive intermediates without the “bang”".   Thursday February 16th at 13 :45 pm Amphi Moissan (ENSCP)   This seminar is included in the lectures for the ICI Master program; please find the abstract here : Synthetic organic electrochemistry…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Thursday 16/03, at 13:30, in Amphi Holweck at ESPCI (10 rue Vauquelin). We will have the pleasure to listen to Manon Molina, from DNA Script who will talk about her work on protein engineering for enzymatic DNA synthesis. Title: Full circle @ DNA Script: Using enzymatically synthesized primers to engineer an enzyme required in enzymatic DNA synthesis  Abstract: Synthetic DNA is driving the biotech revolution…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

A distance / En ligne

Next Monday, 20 March at 11:30, we will have the pleasure to listen to Jean-Loup Faulon (Micalis, INRA) who will discuss his recent work on information processing in living and synthetic systems. You may join in the Gulliver library, or remotely at the zoom link following the abstract below. Remote connection details ID de réunion : 817 1648 7543 Code secret : 712938  In vitro and in…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

A distance / En ligne

Monday, 27 March at 11:30, we will have the pleasure to listen to Yann Chalopin (Centrale-Supélec) who will discuss his recent work on biological self-organisation and regulation. You may join in the Gulliver library, or remotely at the zoom link  following the abstract below. Abstract : This seminar proposes to address an atomic mechanism describing how…

Crise énergétique : où va t-on ?

Amphi Friedel Chimie ParisTech - PSL

Conférence de Maxence Cordiez (promo 2014), ingénieur au CEA et auteur de "Énergies" aux Éditions Tana. Elle se déroulera en amphi Friedel. Accès libre mais sur inscriptions préalables.

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Superconductivity mediated by Rashba-like coupling to polar modes Maria Gastiasoro, Donostia International Physics Center Motivated by experimental evidence suggesting a connection between superconductivity and ferroelectricity in bulk SrTiO3 and KTaO3-based heterostructures, we study a pairing mechanism based on spin-orbit assisted coupling between the conduction electrons and the soft ferroelectric modes. We use ab initio computations supplemented…