Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Well-defined Low-valent Cobalt complexes: Simpler and Easier to understand ? Marc Petit  Sorbonne Université   Where ? ESPCI Paris, escalier C, niveau 3, salle Cellule In this presentation we will discusses about two main themes, the common thread of which is organometallic catalysis with cobalt. One focuses on the activation of E-H bonds (with E…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL


Emergent phenomena in photosynthesis as an opportunity for improved yields and sensing of plants   Ladislav Nedbal Institute of Bio- and Geosciences/Plant Sciences (IBG-2) Forschungszentrum Jülich, D-52428 Jülich, Germany   Ladislav Nedbal studied theoretical solid-state biophysics, graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague with Vladislav Čápek, and did his Ph.D. in…

Rappel : Inscriptions Workshop

Inscrivez-vous avant le 15 novembre  Dans le cadre de la chaire Saint-Gobain/ESPCI, nous organisons conjointement, avec Saint-Gobain, un workshop le mercredi 8 décembre sur "La mécanique des surfaces et interfaces" en amphi Holweck à l'ESPCI Paris . Il y aura 10 présentations couvrants des domaines tels que l'acoustique, la stabilité des couches minces par voie liquide,…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Experimental-computational design of protein-based materials   Diego Lopez Barreiro (Delft University) https://dlopezbarreiro.github.io/   Exceptional SIMM seminar on Wednesday the 10th of November at 3.30pm in the amphi Boreau Engineers and scientists are increasingly working with Nature's structural proteins, such as silk, elastin, or collagen, to synthesise multifunctional materials for applications in biomedicine, biosensing, renewable energy,…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Toward a molecular picture of some key phenomena involved in the emergence of life: from thermophoresis to enzyme thermal adaptation Guillaume Stirnemann (CNRS, Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique) The emergence of life is one of the most fascinating and yet largely unsolved questions in the natural sciences, and thus a significant challenge for scientists from many disciplines.…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL


Extreme deformation of soft matter: tuning colloidal gel microstructure with ultrasound and microbubbles Valeria Garbin, TU Delft Controlling the microstructure of soft materials is essential to impart properties for advanced applications, for instance to obtain acoustic or photonic metamaterials, or by modifying their mechanical response. Imposing a steady or oscillatory shear during the manufacturing process…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

Introduction to continuous flow chemistry with an industrial perspective Dr. Carl J. Mallia (Astrazeneca, Macclesfield, UK) Abstract : This lecture will go through basic principles of continuous flow chemistry including different reactors, mixers used and Process Analytical Technology in flow. Furthermore, examples from academia and industry are also illustrated. Link to the talk: https://espci.zoom.us/j/82468585615?pwd=UCtJTlR2Tnpvc3BxYjg3Wml3akFEUT09

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL


Quantifying memory effects in random search processes Raphaël Voituriez, Sorbonne Université Abstract: A general question that arises in random walk theory is the quantification of space exploration by a random walker. A key observable is provided by the first-passage time, which  quantifies the kinetics of general target search problems, and as such has a broad…


ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Dans le cadre de la chaire Saint-Gobain/ESPCI, nous organisons conjointement, avec Saint-Gobain, un workshop le mercredi 8 décembre sur "La mécanique des surfaces et interfaces" en amphi Holweck à l'ESPCI Paris . Il y aura 10 présentations couvrants des domaines tels que l'acoustique, la stabilité des couches minces par voie liquide, les polymères et les…