Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL


Modelling the thermal and mechanical response of glasses, including different dissipation processes Anne Tanguy, LaMCoS at INSA, Lyon   Abstract here   Remote connection details :  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83595816412?pwd=Q1VNbEdPcFMvNm9rSkpXRFRSZmlTUT09 Meeting ID: 835…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris

Insights from the cutting and tearing of silicone elastomers Shelby Hutchens, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Where ? ESPCI, Ondes room Abstract: The onset of fracture in soft, elastomeric solids eludes…