Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

Chimie ParisTech - PSL 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

Host-guest hybrid materials, composites and nanostructured architectures for photonic and biophotonic applications Prof. Dr. Andrea S. S. de Camargo, São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Where : Amphi Chaudron, Chimie ParisTech - PSL The research focus of the Laboratory of Spectroscopy of Functional Materials (LEMAF), at IFSC/USP in Brazil, is on the development and functional characterization of…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Macromolecular Engineering by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization  Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Macromolecular Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA    Where : Amphi Holweck   Macromolecular Engineering (ME) is a process comprising rational design of (co)polymers with specific architecture and functionality, followed by precise and efficient polymer synthesis and processing to prepare advanced materials…

Stage de Formation Continue

Chimie ParisTech - PSL 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

Calculs de spéciation en solution et aux interfaces En raison de contraintes sanitaires, la formation aura lieu en visio-conférence ou en hybride Intervenants G. Lefèvre (Chimie ParisTech - CNRS) R. Marsac (Univ. Rennes - CNRS) Public concerné  Chercheurs et doctorants souhaitant se former ou se perfectionner sur les calculs de spéciation La connaissance des bases…

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL


Impact of Drops and beads under large biaxial deformation: the role of viscosity,capillarity and elasticity Christian Ligoure, Université de Montpellier   We investigate freely expanding sheets formed by ultrasoft gel beads, and viscoelastic drops, produced by the impact of the bead or drop on a plate covered with a thin layer of liquid nitrogen that…

Colloques Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

Collège de France 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris, Ile de France, France

Lectures Les 17, 24 mai et 1er, 7 juin 2022 Interactions of Light with Gold (and Other Metals) Conférences en anglais - de 11h00 à 12h30 - Salle 2 Pass sanitaire requis, port du masque obligatoire. mardi 17 mai Interactions of Light with Gold (and Other Metals) Cliquez-ici pour accéder à toutes les informations !

Discover ParisTech International Admission Program

A distance / En ligne

You want to study engineering in France starting September 2023? - You are a top student in science and technology graduating this year or next year? - You are attracted by French graduate engineering programs? This program is for you! Webinaire en ligne ici. 

Séminaire Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

ESPCI Paris 10 Rue Vauquelin, Paris, France

Field-induced transition from even to odd parity superconductivity in CeRh2As2 Prof. Elena Hassinger, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids Abstract: I will report on the discovery of unconventional superconductivity in CeRh2As2. Although it appears at temperatures below 1 K, the superconducting state is extremely robust under the application of magnetic fields and presents a…

Colloques Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

Collège de France 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris, Ile de France, France

Lectures Les 17, 24 mai et 1er, 7 juin 2022 Interactions of Light with Gold (and Other Metals) Conférences en anglais - de 11h00 à 12h30 - Salle 2 Pass sanitaire requis, port du masque obligatoire. mardi 24 mai The Art and Science of Growing and Assembling Colloidal Metal Nanocrystals Cliquez-ici pour accéder à toutes…

Colloquium Programme Gradué Chimie PSL

Ecole Normale Supérieure 29 rue d’Ulm, Paris, Ile de France, France

COLLOQUIUM - Graduate Program in Chemistry of PSL The Graduate Program in Chemistry of University PSL launches its colloquium series, where high-profile chemists will present their work to the broad audience of chemists from PSL. Each colloquium should be an occasion for the whole community of chemists at PSL to meet, from scientists and professors…

EELISA – Onboarding Session

Amphi Moissan

Présentation de l'université européenne EELISA à Chimie ParisTech - PSL . Séance hybride, à la fois en amphithéâtre Moissan et en ligne. Pour cette session, l’accent sera mis sur quelques outils EELISA pour développer des collaborations. Programme : Mot de bienvenue, présentation de PSL Mot de bienvenue, présentation de EELISA La formation à EELISA :…