2nd year | Semester 3
Materials and processes 6 ECTS

Metallic materials

Tags: alloys, Metallurgy, phase diagrams
Evaluation method:
Written exam
Course outline:

The objective of this course is to provide students with a foundation in structural metallurgy.
It addresses various related aspects:
Microstructures of metal alloys: structural aspects (defects), chemical aspects (diffusion), thermodynamic aspects
The study of structure/property relationships (introduction)
To the solidification of alloys (the genesis of these microstructures)
Phase diagrams (binary and ternary)
Phase transformations: kinetic, thermodynamic and crystallographic aspects
Industrial processes for the manufacture of metallic materials (thermomechanical treatments)
The course is completed by 2 days of practical work on metallurgy illustrating the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties (hardening and tensile studies)

Learning objectives:

At the end of this course, the student masters the different concepts of metallurgy.
He knows how to make the link between thermodynamic aspects and microstructures of metallic materials
It understands the relationship between the microscopic aspects of a material and its macroscopic properties in terms of mechanical behaviour.
He can develop a synthesis strategy in relation to the expected properties of an alloy

Prerequisites: bachelor level in thermodynamics and solid state chemistry

Teaching language: FR