Each year, a call for projects is dedicated to welcoming guest researchers for stays of between 2 weeks and 1 month in the Chimie ParisTech - PSL teams.

Their purpose is to enrich or consolidate research activities in collaboration with researchers at the school, but also to actively contribute to the training of engineering students and PhD students working in the school’s laboratories.

The arrival of a guest researcher is supported by the host team who submits their application file to the Scientific Department. If you are interested in a study period at Chimie ParisTech - PSL, please contact one of the school’s research teams according to your specialty. The call for projects will be published on this page.

Estimated timetable for the call for projects for year n+1

  1. Publication of the call for projects on Chimie ParisTech - PSL’s website in June of year n
  2. Filing of the application file mid-September of year n
  3. Submission to Scientific Board and decision in October of year n
  4.  Announcement of the applications accepted in November of year n
  5. Opportunity for a study period between January 1st and December 31st of year n+1


The application file (in English or in French) must include the following documents:

  • The completed form relating to the focus of the guest researcher;
  • A scientific project (2 pages maximum, format of your choice);
  • An academic project (2 pages maximum, format of your choice);
  • The complete list of your publications in the last 5 years.

Candidates are free to add any other information deemed useful as an appendix in the format of their choice.