Program manager: Grégory Lefèvre, Chimie ParisTech - PSL and Veronika Zinovyeva , Paris-Saclay University
This specialty is a program of reference in the nuclear field. Its objective is to provide future managers with a global vision of chemistry and physical chemistry applied to the nuclear field, through high-level theoretical and practical training.
It is affiliated to the PSL's Graduate Program in Engineering (ISAI)
The degree is delivered by PSL University.
This specialty’s special feature is to provide all the scientific tools needed to study the behavior of radionuclides in the condensed phase. This master’s program also allows students to complete a thesis and choose careers in research.
The program is provided in English and the ratio of international students is around 50%. The Master’s was awarded the lnstitut International de l’Energie Nucléaire and the European Master’s in Nuclear Energy labels, which both validate its quality.
Joint authorization: Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Paris-Saclay University, PSL, Ecole des Ponts.
Master 1
All the courses are given in Saclay on the premises of INSTN. Chimie ParisTech - PSL is involved in the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering track which will be the only one detailed here. The program of the Physics and Engineering track is detailed on the website of the University of Paris Saclay.
Objectives of the Master 1 :
- to ensure a solid base of training in the basic disciplines prior to the specialisation proposed in M2
- manage the diversity of students' previous backgrounds and training objectives
Master 2
Students are welcome in :
- M2 fall semester (September to December) for those who have M1 level in chemistry or physics and want to obtain the basics in nuclear energy, radioprotection and nuclear safety
- M2 spring semester (January to April followed by a 20-week internship ) for those who have already a basic knowledge in Nuclear Engineering and want a specialization in chemistry of nuclear fuel cycle, from mines to nuclear wastes
All Master 2 students will follow a common core curriculum whose objective is to build common skills necessary for a good analysis of concepts that will be presented in each major.
The technical and scientific content of this common core provides the basic knowledge necessary to work in the field of nuclear energy. The student will then continue by specializing in one of the 5 majors.
A 20-week internship in an industrial environment or in a research, academic or industrial group will allow the student to deepen his or her training project in a specific field.
Among the 5 majors, Chimie ParisTech is involved in Fuel Cycle which will be the only one detailed here. The programme of the other majors is detailed on the University of Saclay website.
The EIT Label is a quality seal awarded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to a KIC educational programme that has been assessed positively by the EIT on the implementation of the EIT Quality Assurance and Learning Enhancement (EIT QALE) system and the application of specific quality criteria with focus on the EIT Overarching Learning Outcomes (EIT OLOs), robust entrepreneurship education, highly integrated, innovative ‘learning‐by‐doing’ curricula, international mobility and outreach.
Admission to the M2 program is done with application and interview and requires a validated M1, or equivalent for candidates who hold foreign degrees. In addition to registering on the Campus France website, the later must fill out an application with the educational institution.