Paris Flow Tech
Paris Flow Tech is the technology platform dedicated to the fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics sector, for green and sustainable chemistry in continuous flow.
Located in the heart of Paris, it is a key facility for the Paris Region and French chemical industry, bringing together researchers from the prestigious PSL University establishments (Chimie ParisTech -PSL, ESPCI Paris-PSL and Mines Paris-PSL).
It is based on the development of an ambitious and innovative method of process intensification using continuous flow chemistry.
Paris Flow Tech boasts state-of-the-art equipment and a dynamic, scalable and interactive collaboration strategy to serve our industrial partners.
RMN platform
The department has the following equipment at its disposal:
Bruker Avance NEO 500 MHz spectrometer:
- Smartprobe BBFO BB&19F/1H 5mm ATMA gradient-Z
- Smartprobe BBO BB/1H 10 mm ATMA gradient-Z
Thanks to the sponsorship of the Ile de France Region and PSL University, Chimie ParisTech - PSL and the Curie Institute have been able to acquire the RMN Bruker Avance NEO 500MHz spectrometer as part of the SESAME project.
Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz spectrometer:
- Smartprobe BBFO+ BB/1H-19F 5 mm ATMA gradient-Z
- Able to handle 60 samples
Analyzes can be carried out for higher education and research institutions as well as for companies. Please contact us for further details.
Mass spectrometry
The department has three mass spectrometers.
Two mass spectrometers (ThermoScientific, single DSQ II quadrupole and ITQ 1100 ion trap) coupled to a gas chromatograph are used for experiments with or without coupling in electronic impact and chemical ionization.
Thanks to Agilent’s sponsorship, the department has a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Agilent 6470 Triple Quad LC/MS). Coupled with a liquid chromatograph (Agilent 1290 Infinity II), it is used for electrospray and APCI analyzes.
The mass spectrometry department is open to PSL establishments. GC-MS analyzes can be carried out for higher education and research institutions as well as for companies. Please contact us for further details.