Labex and Equipex
The research teams are involved in numerous regional and national projects.
Labex and equipex projects include:
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Institute for Microfluidics (IPGG)
Chimie ParisTech - PSL teams working on microfluidics are also involved with this institute, which brings together complementary expertise (physicists, biologists, chemists, technologists) to develop basic research and develop applications in health, energy, agri-food, cosmetics, instrumentation, etc.
New Aglae
The Physical Chemistry of Materials Witnesses of History team is involved in the New Aglae Research Federation and Equipex. This federation provides access to French and European researchers who want to consult the scientific archives of C2RMF (ARCHLAB), study works by portable analysis techniques (MOLAB) or on a large instrument (FIXLAB), in this case the analysis by ion beam on the Grand Louvre Elementary Analysis Accelerator (AGLAE).
Installed at the Center for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France (C2RMF, Palais du Louvre), AGLAE is the only particle accelerator in the world exclusively dedicated to the study of heritage objects; it is used to uncover the mysteries of art works or to authenticate heritage objects.
Today, the New AGLAE equipment improves the accelerator’s performances: automation of the beam’s line, optimization of chemical imaging on the micrometric scale and analysis day and night.
In association with CNRS and Chimie ParisTech - PSL, the project is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Investments for the Future and the City of Paris.
Several researchers are involved in the Q-life convergence institute. This institute brings together 70 teams within PSL with the aim of studying living systems by bringing together researchers from different disciplines (physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science) to better explore “life’s interfaces”.