Chimie ParisTech - PSL, a member of the Paris Sciences & Lettres (PSL) University, is an EPSCP under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education for Research and Innovation. It has been teaching chemical and general engineers (325 students) for the last 120 years. Upon graduation, their unparalleled sense for innovation is greatly sought after by international companies and academic research organizations.

The school’s program is excellent, innovative and complete, with a balance of skills between scientific disciplines, entrepreneurship and management.

Collaborating with the leading research companies and organizations, it is home to laboratories under the joint-supervision of the CNRS that conduct cutting-edge academic research, especially in the fields of energy, materials, industrial processes and health.

The institution acquired Extended Responsibilities and Competences (RCE, “Responsabilités et Compétences Elargies” in French) on January 1, 2011 and hosts around 350 permanent and non-permanent staff of which 150 people are employed: teacher researchers, teachers, PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, including teaching assistants and support staff.

If you want to work in an establishment that places excellence as one of its priorities, join Chimie ParisTech - PSL!

Located in the Latin Quarter in the heart of Paris and accessible via several metro lines and the RER B, Chimie ParisTech - PSL can quickly and easily be accessed by public transportation.

Job offers

  • All
  • Administrative, Technical, Library
  • Teaching and Research

Adjoint(e) au Directeur des relations internationales (H/F)

January 15, 2024

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Assistant.e ingénieur.e plateforme d’innovation technologique

July 23, 2019

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ATER Enseignant-chercheur en Chimie moléculaire équipe COCP- CDD

July 04, 2019

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ATER Enseignant-chercheur en Chimie moléculaire équipe CSB2D- CDD

July 04, 2019

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Technicien chimiste

July 04, 2019

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Fadila Abada
Human Resources Manager by interim
Ph.: +33 1 85 78 41 43
Human Resources Manager

Chimie ParisTech - PSL
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75005 Paris