First-year admissions
Chimie ParisTech - PSL recruits around one hundred students for the 1st year.
- For the Mines Ponts Common Entrance Examination (CCMP)
- PC and PC* chemistry stream: 65 places
- PSI stream: 3 places
- Competition A PC Bio of the AGRO-VETO bank
- BCPST” stream (agronomic and veterinary preparatory classes BCPST): 3 places
- TPC competition
- TPC stream - preparatory classes for students from the STL final year: 2 places
- Gay-Lussac Federation
- Based on ranking - Fédération Gay-Lussac integrated preparatory classes: 5 places
- Concours Prépa ATS - Chemistry professions
- Students with a BUT in chemistry: 1 place
- Admission based on qualifications for students with a L3, BUT degree: maximum 15 places
Applications are submitted and selected by electronic means. Interviews are scheduled for early June. Depending on how the situation develops, we reserve the right to organize interviews remotely, as was already the case for students studying abroad.
- Students holding a Licence (L3) or a BUT (or equivalent qualification for international students) in the following fields are eligible for admission to the first year of Chimie ParisTech - PSL: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Life Sciences, Material Sciences.
BUT 2 students are not eligible to apply.
Depending on your undergraduate degree, you can apply in one of two ways:
- GEI-UNIV university admission procedure: open to holders of an L3 or equivalent for international applicants. This procedure enables students to apply to around ten engineering schools. Registration from January 7, 2025 to March 20, 2025 on the GEI-UNIV website.
- Chimie ParisTech - PSL selection based on application and interview: open to holders of a L3, BUT or equivalent for international applicants Registration between mid-February and early April.
Holders of an L3 degree can only apply to Chimie ParisTech - PSL by one or other of these two routes; double applications are not accepted.
Students who have already passed the competitive entrance exams for the Grandes Ecoles d'Ingénieurs are not eligible to apply for admission by title.
Chimie ParisTech - PSL selection procedure
General conditions
The Chimie ParisTech - PSL selection process is open to holders of a L3, BUT (or equivalent qualification for international applicants) for admission to the first year of the engineering curriculum.
Applicants must present a very good academic record, and the best candidates are invited for an interview. Admitted students stand out for their motivation and interest in the engineering profession. There is no age limit.
Please note: for international students, registration on the Campus France website is not sufficient and must be accompanied by an application for admission to the school.
Applications open on the PSL platform :
from Monday, February 17, 2025 at 8 a.m. to Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 5 p.m..
- Eligibility jury: mid-April
- Publication of eligibility results: end of April
- Admission interview: early May
- Publication of admission results: early June
Application form
Documents to enclose with application :
- Passport photo
- Curriculum vitae
- Cover letter
- Application fee: €50, non-refundable regardless of the jury's decision. To be paid by credit card via the application platform, or by bank transfer.
- Photocopy of identity card or family record book. For international applicants, a birth certificate is also required.
- Copies of diplomas and transcripts since the baccalaureate, as well as any documents establishing the candidate's level of academic achievement.
- At least one confidential letter of recommendation: applicants should ask professors who have followed their studies and/or industrialists with whom they have completed internships for a confidential opinion on their knowledge and aptitude for higher education, especially at an engineering school. The procedure is carried out directly via the online portal