Engineering degree from the ENSCP through continuing education
The school welcomes employed chemical technicians, up to 3 per class year, to train them in the job of chemical engineer. The conditions are to already have a BTS or DUT, as well as at least three years of professional experience.
Recruitment is done with an application and letters of recommendation from their direct supervisor and the director of human resources. Candidates go through an oral interview with a recruitment panel that examines their motivation and level in each discipline. If the application is accepted, an educational agreement is proposed to the employer as part of the continuing education.
The program lasts three years, just like for the students who take the standard route. These students benefit from a program with personalized tutoring, especially during the first two years. The goal of the first year is to increase the candidates’ theoretical knowledge and to homogenize their skills in all areas of chemistry. The goal of the following two years is to teach students technical skills in their specialty with a know-how in project management and team management, as it is the case for the standard program.
These students have the same options and courses as the students in the standard program. They get the same degree. They don’t have to study abroad, even if it is strongly recommended.
The training is based on the apprenticeship principle with students splitting their time as follows: about 80% at the school and 20% in the company the first year, 50% at the school and 50% in the company the second year and 40% at the school and 60% in the company the third year.
The cost of the program is reviewed each year and defined by the School’s Board of Directors. In 2018, the rates were 17,000 euros for the first year, 10,000 for the second year and 6,900 euros for the third year.
Validation of Prior Experience (VPE) of the engineering degree from the Paris Technical Institute of Chemistry
What is the VPE?
The Validation of Prior Experience is a measure that allows any person, regardless of age, level of education or status, to validate their professional experience in order to obtain a diploma, a title or a professional certificate.
Find out more: Ministère de lʼEnseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de lʼInnovation
Find out more: Portail de la validation des acquis de l’expérience
Definition of the ENSCP program
The description of the title Engineering Graduate of the National School of Chemistry of Paris (ENSCP) is described in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP):
“The ENSCP trains high-potential general engineers in the field of chemistry and its interfaces, preparing them for all types of jobs in the industry, scientific research and higher education, both nationally and internationally. This training prepares student engineers primarily for the requirements of scientific, technical and socio-economic developments, as well as the various skills expected from a high-level engineer: sense of reality, ability to take on responsibilities and make decisions, an original approach to technical problems, communication skills, initiative, etc.”
Find out more: Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP)
Legal aspects
“Any person who has practiced a professional activity for at least three years, whether in a salaried, non-salaried or volunteer capacity relating to the purpose of their application, can apply for their experience to be accredited as evidence of all or part of the knowledge and aptitudes required to obtain a qualification or degree issued on behalf of the State by a higher education establishment.”
Law 2002-73 of January 17, 2002: Code de l’éducation article L. 613-3
VPE procedure
The VPE procedure takes place in several stages:
- The request for a VPE should be addressed to Chimie ParisTech - PSL’ Continuing Education Department. This is a first contact that includes a complete resume indicating the applicant’s level of training and professional experience. It is recommended to attach recommendations from direct supervisors and human resources directors.
- The director of the school appoints a referent who is in charge of investigating the application, as well as a committee who is in charge of analyzing its educational level to judge its admissibility.
- If the admissibility committee agrees to the continuation of the procedure, a VPE agreement is offered to the candidate.
- The candidate builds their validation file with the support of the referent teacher. This validation file shows that they have all the skills required to hold the title of ENSCP engineer.
- The examination of the file detailing the professional experience and skills acquired by the candidate is then carried out by a jury which decides, after hearing the candidate, to validate all or part of the diploma sought. If the validation is only partial, the candidate is given recommendations for obtaining the diploma in full. They may include experimental or theoretical training, projects, experiences or validations (level of English for example) required for graduation.
- When the candidate has met all the requirements for obtaining the title of engineer, a defense is organized before the jury, who then deliberates on whether to grant the diploma or not.