1st year | Semester 1
Physical and analytical chemistry 6 ECTS

Laboratory course in physical and analytical chemistry

Tags: chromatography and separation sciences, electrochemistry, physical and analytical chemistry
Evaluation method:
Practical examination, bibliographic report, experimental reports, oral presentations, daily involvement
Course outline:

The laboratory classes are in accordance with the theoretical courses of electrochemistry, thermodynamics of solutions and separation sciences. The physico-chemical phenomena observed and mesured in laboratory classes are explained and modelized thanks to theoretical background acquired in formal courses. They also tend to illustrate industrial application fields.
A first group of experiments concerns the analysis of trace / ultratrace level compounds related to the domains of quality control, industrial processe monitoring and environmental protection: techniques such as liquid / liquid extraction of metallic cations (downstream of the nuclear fuel cycle); separation techniques (Ionic chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis) for the determination and quantitation of inorganic or organic pollutants; electrochemical methods (differential pulse polarography, ion-selective electrodes) for the identification and quantitation of pollutants in environmental matrices (water, soil) as well as for decontamination (ultrafiltration).
A second group of experiments focuses on the thermodynamics of interfaces to better understand the synthesis and characterization of new materials and processes using interfaces: electrochemical synthesis of materials (electrodeposition); corrosion study in presence or absence of inhibitors; electrokinetic characterization of membranes and application to electrodialysis (water purification); thermodynamics of surfaces (surface tension, water contact angle) to characterize functionalized surfaces (windshield design for example) and detergent formulations; characterization of complex media (hydrogen electrode, density meter, UV-visible spectrophotometry, cyclic voltammetry) to understand and predict phenomena in industrial processes using hydro-organic and micellar media, catalytic processes, etc.

Learning objectives:

Following this practical training, students should be able to:
– Follow health and safety guidelines
– Get pratical laboratory skills
– Fill out a laboratory workbook
– Analyse, exploit and discuss experimental data
– Use appropriate theoretical concepts and models
– Undertake a literature search
– Write experimental and bibliographic reports
– Present experimental results and conlusion to an audience

Prerequisites: thermodynamics of solutions and interfaces

Teaching language: FR

handouts, self evaluation quiz, tutorials