Manager of the Master’s program : Laurent Corté, Mines Paris – PSL


The Master of Science and Technology for Health is designed to provide a 2-year education program in the field of bioengineering, at the cross-road of biomedical and engineering sciences.

It is affiliated to the PSL's Graduate Programs :

Life SciencesSciences du vivant1 and Engineering (ISAI) Ingénierie (ISAI)1

It results from a partnership between PSL University, PariSanté Campus, Institut Curie, and EPHE.

The overarching goals of the Master's are :

  • to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
  • to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, that will eventually bridge the existing "culture gap" between the corresponding professions.

The degree is delivered by PSL University.

Master 1

In M1, there is a single track.

It is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. All teaching units are offered at two levels: basic and advanced.

Students are advised in their individual choices of teaching units, to bring them up to date on the fundamental science subjects they may not have acquired through their previous studies (eg physiology and anatomy for engineering students, or signal processing and programming for biology or medical students), or to go deeper into subjects they would like to pursue in their M2 specialization track.

Opening 2026

To learn more about M1

Master 2

In Master 2, three specialization tracks are offered :

  • M2 Biomaterials & Engineering for Health (BEH)
  • M2 AI & Digital Health (AIH)
  • M2 Digital Mental Health (DMH)

To learn more about M2

Admission to M1 and M2 programs is done with application and interview and requires a validated L3 or M1, respectively, or equivalent for candidates who hold foreign degrees. In addition to registering on the Campus France website, the later must fill out an application with the educational institution.