3rd year | Semester 5

Biotechnologies and biological drugs

Tags: biotechnology, biotherapy, recombinant protein
Evaluation method:
written exam 100% or oral presentation 100%
Course outline:

This course, at the chemistry-biology interface, aims at explaining to a chemist all the basic concepts needed to understand a biotechnology project. Currently half of the new approved drugs are small molecules obtained by chemical synthesis, the other half being issued from biotechnologies. These products are nucleic acids or recombinant proteins. They are used both as drugs, and as diagnostic tools. However, chemistry is still a necessity for formulations purposes, or for chemical modifications aiming at improving the pharmaco-kinetics properties. It seems important that a chemical engineer has some knowledge about biologics drugs, which are currently the most important for the pharmaceutical industry : what they are, how to produce them and their main uses

Learning objectives:

In the end, students should be able to :
– know enough biology concepts to understand how biotherapies work.
– Know the different biologic drug classes, and their main uses
– read and understand a project or scientific article in the field of biotherapies
The aim is to allow a chemistry student to quickly be functional in the chemistry part of a biotherapy project in the indystry, or to pursue their studies by a PhD program in biology.

Prerequisites: the ENSCP biochemistry course

Teaching language: FR

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