The associative life at Chimie ParisTech is particularly rich: there are about twenty clubs and student associations, many of which have a solidarity or humanitarian focus and promote sustainable development or the dissemination of knowledge.

Two organizations are particularly close to the industry: Forum Horizon Chimie, which organizes the annual business forum and Chimie Perspectives, the school’s junior enterprise.


The office of student services (BDE)

The BDE has various missions. It connects students together, which makes the organization of several events possible, such as the integration weekend, trips and parties. These activities create and help maintain a certain cohesion within graduating classes and with alumni.

The BDE supports various School clubs, such as the Gala Club, the Cooking Club and the Garden Club, all of which aim to open students to other horizons.

The BDE has close ties with the major companies of the chemical industry. One of its missions is to find sponsors for each graduating class and it organizes meetings between the industry and students in the form of round tables, conferences, etc.

BDS 2019

The sports department (BDS)

Chimie ParisTech’s BDS enables its students to play sports throughout the year, it be collective or individual sports. Students of both sexes can enjoy team sports such as basketball, handball, soccer, rugby, volleyball or even cheerleading, or individual sports like biking, climbing or swimming.   The BDS wants to give students the desire and the opportunity to do sports in a friendly atmosphere.

The BDS participates in university championships and tournaments with various universities and colleges: The InterChimie Tournament, the ParisTech Tournament, the Grandes Ecoles World Challenge, the Tour of Central Paris, etc. These are great opportunities to meet students from different backgrounds.

With all the BDS does to organize events at Chimie ParisTech, it’s really about creating and developing this feeling of solidarity between classes: tournaments between classes, sports rallies, parties, etc.

Le Bureau Des Arts (BDA)

The arts department (BDA)

Created nearly a decade ago, the Arts Department (BDA) disseminates art and culture in all its forms within Chimie ParisTech and PSL. The BDA manages the school’s artistic and cultural clubs such as theater, photography, music and band. It also puts an art-oriented newspaper together, “le Rat d’Art”, that is full of off-beat ideas, info on local expos, concerts or even ballets. The association organizes the “Arts Week”, the year’s cultural event at Chimie ParisTech, during which the BDA offers activities and entertainment.

Cultural group tours are regularly organized and offered to students for free or at reduced rates.

The department also publishes newsletters to share the capital’s cultural news. Finally, the association has forged partnerships with the Opéra Garnier, the Comédie Française, the Théâtre des Champs Élysées, the Théâtre Chaillot, the Théâtre de la Villette, the Théâtre du Rond-Point and the Théâtre de la Huchette to offer students discounted tickets.

logo CParité


CParité is a club dedicated to promoting gender equality within the school. Its main action is to combat harassment and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and raise awareness of the issue. Its role is to make sure that everyone feels safe and comfortable.

That's why members of the club set up anti-HVSS staff at various events (WEI, parties, etc.). The club provides support for witnesses and victims of inappropriate words or actions.

It also plays a role in raising awareness among students and school staff, through posters, good tips, training courses, etc.

The Chimie ParisTech circle

The goal of the Chimie ParisTech Circle is to promote chemistry to the general public through scientific activities that are supervised by students from the school. Each year, the Chimie ParisTech Circle organizes the “Fête de la Science” (Science Festival) and offers entertainment for everyone (activities, workshops for children and conferences). Students also host classes for elementary schools and high schools to provide students with experiences related to their school curriculum. These experiences are intended for a very wide audience and from an early age!

Cap Sciences

The Cap Sciences association advocates the sharing of knowledge through the sponsorship of students in their 10th and 11th grades from two high schools: Denis Diderot in Deuil-la-Barre (Val-d’Oise - Versailles Academy) and Maurice Utrillo (Paris, 18th).

For three years, students communicate regularly with the children they sponsor and organize visits or cultural activities intended to awaken their taste for science: visit to the Cité des Sciences, the Jardin des Plantes, conferences and scientific workshops at the school, meetings with researchers, etc.


Ecosciences is Chimie ParisTech’s ecological engagement club. Club members initiate and participate in major projects to promote environmental initiatives in the school, and for all its stakeholders. Several Ecosciences projects have already led to changes within Chimie ParisTech: recycling of batteries, recycling of plastic caps, posters encouraging water and electricity saving, etc.

The club also gives the school’s students easy access to news and information related to ecology and ethics through social networks and the means of communication made available by Chimie ParisTech. Strong of its collaboration with organizations like PSL, the club plans to introduce more ambitious projects to make sustainable development even more important in the school.

Forum Horizon Chimie

The Forum Horizon Chimie is an association made up of 4 chemistry schools:  Chimie ParisTech, ESPCI, ECPM Strasbourg and ENSIC Nancy. It organizes the yearly business forum that is held in Paris at the Maison de la Chimie. This forum brings together nearly a hundred of the largest companies from industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, etc. It is a venue for students, recent graduates and job seekers to interact with professionals, attend conferences, prepare for a job interview and come in contact with companies offering internships and jobs.

The forum ends with a dinner between students and professionals where they can talk in a friendly atmosphere. In addition to this event, the association organizes company visits throughout the year.

Chimie Perspectives Junior-Entreprise

Gérée par une équipe d’élèves ingénieurs, Chimie Perspectives, la Junior-Entreprise de Chimie ParisTech permet aux étudiants de mettre en pratique leur enseignement théorique au service de l’entreprise, afin d’appréhender les enjeux du monde de la chimie d’aujourd’hui et de demain. L’association a pour mission d’aider les étudiants à monter en compétence en développant un réseau unique au cœur du monde professionnel. Tous les ans, de nombreuses missions sont réalisées telles que des retranscriptions de colloques scientifiques, des études en laboratoire, l’accompagnement de projets R&D ou encore de la veille bibliographique.

La qualité du travail effectué est garantie par le label J.E. et la Confédération Nationale des Juniors Entreprises. Chimie Perspectives est la première Junior-Entreprise à avoir obtenu l’accréditation au Crédit Impôt Recherche (CIR), ce qui assure aux clients une excellente qualité des travaux réalisés. En effet, les étudiants sont en contact permanent avec les chercheurs de Chimie ParisTech et ont accès au matériel de pointe de l’école. Regard neuf, souplesse d’intervention et nombreuses compétences, autant d’atouts qui font de Chimie Perspectives un partenaire privilégié.


For a commitment to solidarity projects in the south (PEPSS)

Pour un Engagement dans des Projets Solidaires au Sud (PEPSS)

PEPSS est une association humanitaire fondée en 2007 par des étudiants de Chimie ParisTech qui réunit près d’une cinquantaine d’étudiants de première année motivés par un désir commun de venir en aide aux populations les moins favorisées.

Depuis 2018, l’association développe deux projets au Togo et à Madagascar. Au Togo, l’association - en collaboration avec l’association Urgence Afrique - projette de mettre en place des salles informatiques munies de panneaux solaires et d’installer des ateliers ludiques sur ordinateurs et tablettes. Le second projet à Madagascar concerne l’analyse chimique et microbiologique de sources d’eau dans le cadre d’adduction d’eau potable dans des villages malgaches. Il est mené en partenariat par Solidago France avec l’association malgache HYDEAU.

Beyond disability, advancing and succeeding in higher education (PHARES)

Par-delà le Handicap, Avancer et Réussir des Études Supérieures (PHARES)

PHARES has been part of Chimie ParisTech since 2011. Weekly two-hour tutorials are organized in the school to help young high school students with disabilities. High school students are supervised by five 1st-year students who offer activities designed to clarify their professional project, restore their confidence, help them to express themselves fluently and encourage their critical thinking. These are all necessary skills for their future student lives and all these activities take place in a very unique setting that is neither academic, familial or medical.

PHARES is a national program coordinated by the FEDEEH (“Fédération Étudiante pour une Dynamique Études et Emploi avec un Handicap”, the “Student Federation for a Studies and Employment Dynamic with a Disability”), with which they are in constant contact. Chimie ParisTech students participate in national meetings that are attended by all the tutors who have implemented the PHARES program.

Solidarity 3 Generations (S3G)

Solidarité 3 Générations is a young and dynamic association that was created in November 2012 at the initiative of four Chimie ParisTech students. The members of the association meet with older people in hospitals and retirement homes to develop intergenerational exchanges with people who are often isolated. They arrange for visits by volunteers and the association collaborates with Petits Frères des Pauvres to improve the lives of the elderly suffering from isolation.

Various events and activities are organized, often with the help of Chimie ParisTech’s clubs: classical music, board games, afternoon tea, cooking and theater! S3G is an association that hopes to strengthen intergenerational connections and group cohesion within the institution. To date, the association has developed close ties with several hospitals, including La Rochefoucault and La Broca.

By making themselves known in these organizations, the members of the association prove that Chimie ParisTech is much more than a chemistry school; it is a state of mind that combines solidarity, generosity and diverse expertise!


The association of Chimie Paristech's phd students (ATCP)

Un des maillons essentiels de la recherche à Chimie ParisTech est la population doctorante. L’Association des Thésards de Chimie ParisTech (ATCP) a pour vocation de fédérer la centaine de doctorants qui font tout ou partie de leurs travaux au sein de Chimie ParisTech. En organisant la « Journée des Doctorants », ou des événements moins formels (afterworks, soirées, ...), elle facilite les échanges scientifiques et humains entre les thésards. Enfin l’ATCP essaie de créer des rencontres entre les différents doctorants de ParisTech et de PSL, en interagissant avec les différentes associations de doctorants concernées.

IGEM: an innovative project in collaboration with the Pasteur Institute

IGEM : un projet innovant en collaboration avec l’Institut Pasteur

Every year, 3 Chimie ParisTech students have the honor to be selected by the Pasteur Institute team to participate in the iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition. This international synthetic biology competition is organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston and brings together hundreds of teams from around the world to work on a nine-month long innovative synthetic biology project. The Pasteur Institute team is composed of about twenty students working in various fields such as biology, physics, chemistry, industrial design and intellectual property. The teams met in Boston in November of 2018 for the awards ceremony and the completion of this project; the Pasteur Institute team was awarded a gold medal.